Lemma ID Gloss Dutch: NIET-C
Annotation ID Gloss (Dutch) NIET-C
Annotation ID Gloss (English) NOT-C
Senses (Dutch)
1. niet, geen
2. niets, niks,
3. nooit
4. zonder
5. niemand
6. nergens
Senses (English)
1. no, not
2. nothing
3. never
4. without
5. no one, nobody
6. nowhere
Videos with Non-manual Elements


Handedness 2a    
Strong Hand B    
Weak Hand B    
Relation between Articulators Above
Location Weak hand: palm
Contact Type Continuous
Movement Direction Ipsilateral
Relative Orientation: Movement Ulnar

Relations to Other Signs

Variant NIET-A
Variant NIET-B
Example Sentences