Lemma ID Gloss Dutch: KIND.PL
Annotation ID Gloss (Dutch) KIND.PL
Annotation ID Gloss (English) CHILD.PL
Senses (Dutch)
1. kinderen
Dialect NGT/Unknown
Dialect NGT/Unknown
Videos with Non-manual Elements


Handedness 1    
Strong Hand B    
Location Neutral space
Movement Direction Downwards + ipsilateral
Repeated Movement Yes
Relative Orientation: Movement Palm + ulnar

Relations to Other Signs

Example Sentences


Sentence translation
Dutch: Later, toen ik ging trouwen en kinderen kreeg had ik informatie nodig en was het toch wel beter om een gehoorapparaat te dragen.
English: Later, when I got married and had children, I needed information and it was better to wear a hearing aid after all.

O. Crasborn, I. Zwitserlood, J. Ros & M. van Zuilen (2020) Corpus NGT, 4e editie. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit. NOTE: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license

Original video