Lemma ID Gloss Dutch: BRUS-A
Annotation ID Gloss (Dutch) BRUS-A
Annotation ID Gloss (English) SIBLING-A
Senses (Dutch)
1. broer, zus, zussen, broers
2. neef, nicht
3. vriend, vriendin, iemand die dichtbij je staat op hetzelfde niveau
Senses (English)
1. brother(s), sister(s)
2. cousin, nephew, niece
3. friend, someone close to you on the same level
Videos with Non-manual Elements


Handedness 1    
Strong Hand V    
Location Shoulder
Contact Type Final
Repeated Movement Yes
Relative Orientation: Movement Radial

Relations to Other Signs

Variant BRUS-B
Variant BRUS-E
Example Sentences